Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Day For Travel And Rain

A long day of travel started off with a 3am meeting and a 6am departure. After getting the team down to the airport and through security we found ourselves "on the way". The team did great traveling through the airports and the during the bus ride. Many people took advantage of the plane rides and the bus ride to catch up on the sleep they missed the night before. We had one issue in all of our travels today. One bag apparently did not make the transfer and got lost in San Francisco. Megan Dunlap's bag is still on it's way. She is doing great and has a great attitude about loosing a bag. All of the other girls have chipped in and are taking care of her needs. They are saying her bag will come in tomorrow so be praying for that.

As we arrived into Cofradia we were greeted with an amazing rain and thunder storm. It dumped so much rain so fast that there were rivers running through the compound. We had our first team meeting and orientation to Cofradia. The team is in good spirits and is ready to spend our first full day in Cofradia tomorrow.


  1. It is so good to hear you arrived in Cofradia safely! I am so jealous that I am not there to experience the amazing Cofradia rain storms! Can't wait for more updates! Love, Shareen

  2. Hey Bry! Sounds like a good travel day! We miss you all. Tell all the dads "Happy Father's Day". We are praying for great ministry tomorrow.

  3. Glad to hear that eveyone is safe! Wish I could see those rainstorms...I saw one in Florida and it was awesome! I will be praying for the team.

    I miss you already, Megan!! Its super quiet without you...and my Central Market excurcions aren't as fun. I love you!

    - Erica
