Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 2

The first official day in Cofradia was a great day. The morning started out with church where we had the joy of worshiping with the locals and had a chance to participate in the joy that they shared as they gathered together and shared testimonies of what God has done in their lives. It was a fun to watch the students interact with the locals fighting through the language barrier to talk and pray with them.
Since the sun finally came out today we had a chance to walk around town a little bit and get familiar with our surroundings. The afternoon was full of stuff to do. The team had a chance to catch up and practice for our ministry day tomorrow, debrief and discuss what went on yesterday and enjoy a little siesta.
This evening we went up to a hillside nearby and had the opportunity to hear from Dave (one of the missionaries here in Cofradia). This was an awesome time of understanding what God is doing here and what He wants to do through us while we are here. At the end of Dave's talk I gave the team a chance to spend 15 alone minutes with God. Many students said that time was exactly what they needed.
Please continue to pray for Megan's bag. They say it will be delivered tomorrow. But in Mexico everything is tomorrow. She is in great spirits and continues to have a great attitude. Other than that the team is well and healthy.

p.s. Video should be uploaded later tonight.


  1. It's good to hear from you! I wish that the sun would come out here! I am praying for you all, and hope that Megan's bag shows up soon! ~Love Shareen

  2. Megan, YOU ARE A TROOPER!! Way to go girls in supporting her during this time. I miss all of you and pray for you daily.
    ~ Jenn
