Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 5

Last night we had some more extreme rain and wind. It is so cool to watch these storms come and go but not as fun to loose power every evening. Today was the first rainy day we have ever had here. The rain stuck around all day it was a familiar wet Seattle drizzle. This did not effect our construction because we split into three different groups and started to sand and pain the metal windows and doors of the church, install lighting in the church, build brick walls, and work on installing the church sound system.

A huge praise in the middle of construction we finally got word that Megan's bag had arrived! She has been such a great example of being flexible and rolling with the punches. She never once complained and always had a positive outlook on the whole situation. She is glad to have her clothes back and the rest of the girls are looking forward to borrowing some of her clothes for a change.

For outreach tonight we started out in the trucks towards a Indian village up in the mountains, however it started raining harder and the towns we were passing through had already lost power. So we turned the trucks around and headed back to Cofradia. Because of the rain we did our program and outreach here in Cofradia where we could meet in a covered facility. The outreach was a great success and the team adapted and adjusted very well to outreach in Cofradia.

No rain for tonight and off to the beach tomorrow.


  1. Hola!!! I have been praying for all of y'all down there. So proud of each and everyone of you. Girls you are amazing, and Megan You are truly an example of humility and selflessness. Go girl!! Keep strong and remain faithful to the things that God has called you to do while you are down there. See you soon!!

  2. I don't know if anyone else looks at the blog site as frequently as I do...It's fun to hear about the storms & to see faces in the videos(for us, Tryg's especially!!) Many times throughout the day we pray..."Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..." Chris Hillstead
