Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Flight Info

I wanted to remind everyone of the flight info.

You are expected to pick up your student on Monday evening at the airport.

We will be arriving on UNITED flight 479 set to arrive in SEATTLE at 11:08 PM.

Since I don't know what our internet access will look like tomorrow this may be the last post until we get home. Look forward to seeing you all at the airport on Monday evening.

Day 8

Today was our last day in Cofradia. We leave Cofradia tomorrow and finish the the last half of our day in PV and catch a plane Monday afternoon back home. I will post the flight details for you if you are planning on picking up a loved one at the airport.

Since today was our last day of construction we had many tasks that needed to come to a close today. We finished the lights around the church, finished sanding and painting the windows/doors and a number of other small projects that we have been working on. The team again did great and accomplished a tun of tasks.

Our outreach this evening was probably the down right funnest outreach ever. We set up a carnival in the town square of the town of San Vacinte. There were probably 75-100 kids there with a estimated 150 people total there to watch and see what was going on. The carnival consisted of 5 games the kids could play to win prizes. Games like ring toss, pick a duck, football throw, and of coarse the crowd favorite bowling for gringos. Amidst all of the fun after the program around 35 kids came forward to pray to receive Christ. The pastor in the town was very thankful and excited to follow up on the families and see the long term effects of our outreach.

Day 6 Video

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 7

The sun was shining bright today. We started the day like we always do, heading to the church to work construction. We again split the team up and began helping with installing lights in the church, sanding and painting metal doors and windows, installing audio wire, and staining the church stage. Each person has done excellent work and everyone has contributed in all of these jobs. It is a joy to see the team work so well together.

For our outreach this evening we partnered with a church in a neighboring town and did our outreach in conjunction with them. As the team split up to go inviting people to come to our program we noticed that no one was around. As the time drew near to start our program we still had only a few people there. But after we started with our first songs I looked around and was very pleased to see that God had drawn not only 30-40 children but another 30 or so adult onlookers. Livi and Mariah shared their testimonies tonight and did a great job. After we finished the program we went out to pray with people. Cody had a chance to share what God has been doing in his life with a few "tough guys" and 3 of them prayed to accept Chirist. It was another great day of work and ministry.

Day 6

On our sixth day in Mexico we had our first break of the trip. We took the team to the beach! We traveled about two hours towards the coast. We arrived at a little beach called San Blas it is a great spot for the students and leaders to stop rest and relax. We hung out at the beach for the first half of the day playing and eating some local food from a restaurant right on the beach.

For the second half of the day we took a small boat ride through a mangrove swamp. On the trip we saw all kinds of wildlife. We got some great pictures of alligators and turtles. We arrived at a natural freshwater spring and had a chance to play and swim for a few hours.

It was a great day of rest and relaxation and just what the team needed to refuel our batteries for a great day of work and ministry tomorrow.

Day 5 Video

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 5

Last night we had some more extreme rain and wind. It is so cool to watch these storms come and go but not as fun to loose power every evening. Today was the first rainy day we have ever had here. The rain stuck around all day it was a familiar wet Seattle drizzle. This did not effect our construction because we split into three different groups and started to sand and pain the metal windows and doors of the church, install lighting in the church, build brick walls, and work on installing the church sound system.

A huge praise in the middle of construction we finally got word that Megan's bag had arrived! She has been such a great example of being flexible and rolling with the punches. She never once complained and always had a positive outlook on the whole situation. She is glad to have her clothes back and the rest of the girls are looking forward to borrowing some of her clothes for a change.

For outreach tonight we started out in the trucks towards a Indian village up in the mountains, however it started raining harder and the towns we were passing through had already lost power. So we turned the trucks around and headed back to Cofradia. Because of the rain we did our program and outreach here in Cofradia where we could meet in a covered facility. The outreach was a great success and the team adapted and adjusted very well to outreach in Cofradia.

No rain for tonight and off to the beach tomorrow.

Day 4

Today was a great day. We had our second day of construction and outreaches. For our construction project today we finished mixing and pouring cement to level the floor of a second story classroom in the new church. The team worked very well together shoveling, mixing, hauling, and pouring cement. Around mid-morning we finished the cement work and split the team up to conquer 3 other jobs.

Today for outreach we went to Las Pilas. We had a great outreach time there. The team split up and went around town inviting people to come to our program. Krystin and Cody gave their testimonies tonight and did a great job. After the program finished we started to pray with people who had come to watch. In one group that we prayed and shared with three teenagers prayed to receive Christ for the first time. One of them was so excited to get a bible from us that he declined going to play soccer with us so that he could sit and read the book of John.

What a great day of outreach.

Day 3 Video

Day 2 Video

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 3

We had an amazing day today! Before we start with today I must mention why the day 2 post did not come up until today. Last night as I was finishing the post a storm came in. The day one video has a quick glimpse of one light rain (Cofradia standards). So you can imagine rain and wind that was ridiculous. The power soon went out causing our internet connection to drop. The next 2 hours can best be described as MONSOON + THUNDER! There was rain and wind from every direction and amazing thunder and lightning.

Back to day three: Today we started construction and outreaches. The morning started with the team mixing hauling and pouring cement. We poured a new cement floor on a second story room of the church. The team really came together and worked really hard. The heat and the humidity was nothing like the students had ever experienced but they worked very hard with joy in their hearts.

Our outreach tonight took us to a neighboring town called Paso Real. The students did an phenomenal job working with the kids performing the drama and the puppets that we prepared at home. A few students shared their testimonies. And every student had a chance to go and pray with people after the altar call and the service. It was awesome to watch God work through these students to touch the lives of the people here.

What a great day.

Day 1 Video

Day 2

The first official day in Cofradia was a great day. The morning started out with church where we had the joy of worshiping with the locals and had a chance to participate in the joy that they shared as they gathered together and shared testimonies of what God has done in their lives. It was a fun to watch the students interact with the locals fighting through the language barrier to talk and pray with them.
Since the sun finally came out today we had a chance to walk around town a little bit and get familiar with our surroundings. The afternoon was full of stuff to do. The team had a chance to catch up and practice for our ministry day tomorrow, debrief and discuss what went on yesterday and enjoy a little siesta.
This evening we went up to a hillside nearby and had the opportunity to hear from Dave (one of the missionaries here in Cofradia). This was an awesome time of understanding what God is doing here and what He wants to do through us while we are here. At the end of Dave's talk I gave the team a chance to spend 15 alone minutes with God. Many students said that time was exactly what they needed.
Please continue to pray for Megan's bag. They say it will be delivered tomorrow. But in Mexico everything is tomorrow. She is in great spirits and continues to have a great attitude. Other than that the team is well and healthy.

p.s. Video should be uploaded later tonight.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Day For Travel And Rain

A long day of travel started off with a 3am meeting and a 6am departure. After getting the team down to the airport and through security we found ourselves "on the way". The team did great traveling through the airports and the during the bus ride. Many people took advantage of the plane rides and the bus ride to catch up on the sleep they missed the night before. We had one issue in all of our travels today. One bag apparently did not make the transfer and got lost in San Francisco. Megan Dunlap's bag is still on it's way. She is doing great and has a great attitude about loosing a bag. All of the other girls have chipped in and are taking care of her needs. They are saying her bag will come in tomorrow so be praying for that.

As we arrived into Cofradia we were greeted with an amazing rain and thunder storm. It dumped so much rain so fast that there were rivers running through the compound. We had our first team meeting and orientation to Cofradia. The team is in good spirits and is ready to spend our first full day in Cofradia tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ready Set Go!

After two great months of training and preparation we are finally ready to begin the second part of our journey. With this phase of training and prep done we covet your prayers and want to thank everyone for all of your love and support of our team.

Here is a quick tentative schedule of our trip:

Saturday: Travel day, leave Seattle 3am arrive Cofradia 8pm
Sunday: Church in the AM, Team Prep/Orientation
Monday: Construction AM, Outreach PM
Tuesday: Construction AM, Outreach PM
Wednesday: Construction AM, Outreach PM
Thursday: Beach Day
Friday: Construction AM, Outreach PM
Saturday: Construction AM, Carnival and Outreach PM
Sunday: Travel to Puerto Vallarta
Monday: Travel day, leave PV 1pm arrive Seattle 11pm